21 Days of Fasting Resources

Important Service Updates

Have you heard? On January 5th, 2025, we are moving to One Service @ 10:00am!
This special gathering will include worship, baptisms, and more. As this is an all-family service, please note Kid's Ministry will be joining us in the main service. We look forward to seeing you and your family there! Check out this video from Pastor Keith.
(We are really excited about this!) 

In the House


Live Online


We're a family.

You don't have to do life alone. We'd love to hear from you, connect with you, and walk alongside you in your journey.

  Prayer Request Say Yes to Jesus  Groups

Daily Devotionals

Spending daily time in God’s Word is the foundation to a life of knowing and loving Jesus. Our church family is committed to helping one another grow in our daily devotional life.


About Our Pastors

Keith and Coco Jenkins were appointed as pastors of East Hill Church in October 2019. Keith, better known as “PK”, serves as East Hill’s Lead Pastor and is passionate about seeing the church return to the mission of God, and positioned to bring transformation in every community. A bold and inspiring communicator, PK carries the unique healing message of love, acceptance, forgiveness and grace that has been the hallmark of East Hill Church for decades. Coco serves as East Hill’s Co-Lead Pastor and Missions Pastor. She has a compassionate heart for those that have been marginalized and oppressed which leads her to be an activist and philanthropist in our community especially in the Gresham and Portland metro areas.

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