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Today's Scriptures

Reading Plan PDF

What is Life Journaling?

Spending time daily in God's Word is critical to life as a Christ-follower. God's Word will keep you prepared and keep you fruitful. It will enable you to recognize God's voice and make wise decisions. Most of all, it is in God's Word where you will be reminded of his love for you. Life Journaling is a tool we can use to strengthen our daily devotional life.

How do I start?


We suggest you bring these 5 things to your daily devos with God:

1) A Bible  2) A Pen  3) A Journal  4) Bible Reading Schedule  5) Daily Planner

You'll want to underline, highlight, and scribble notes in the margins of your own Bible. As God speaks to you, you'll write in your journal, documenting his important words to you. Follow the Life Journal Reading Plan and you'll go twice through the Bible in one year. Keep your planner handy so you can easily write down any pressing thoughts or tasks that try to distract you during your time with the Lord.


S.O.A.P. is an acronym that we use to structure our journaling. It stands for:

(S)cripture  (O)bservation  (A)pplication  (P)rayer

Write down a verse that sticks out to you or that God highlights for you (Scripture). Then write down an (Observation) about what the verse says. Ponder its meaning. Then write down how you will live differently because of what you just read - apply this verse to your life (Application). Finish your journal entry by writing down your (Prayer) to God.


You can Life Journal all on your own. However, there is power in reading the Scriptures together. We can help deepen one another's faith by gathering regularly to do our daily devotions in groups. In our Life Journaling groups, we generally follow this pattern: 20 minutes reading Scripture quietly, 20 minutes journaling, and 20 minutes sharing with the group what you just journaled. We have Life Journaling groups meeting all over the place in various locations and cities. Find a group by clicking the button below. If you need help getting connected, reach out to



Click here For the Scripture Reading for TODAY

CLICK HERE To download a PDF of the Life Journal Reading Plan (full year)

Click Here To use the YouVersion App to follow the Life Journal Reading Plan

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Click HereTo purchase Wayne Cordeiro's book, The Divine Mentor