The Mielonen's

Jan 23, 2019 | by East Hill Church
Living in Kraków, Poland since May of 2014 the Mielonens are focused on establishing leaders to plant churches in Kraków and eventually around Poland. Through a variety of tangible and practical community based approaches they are establishing meaningful relationships, instilling leadership skills, and focused on making disciples who are passionate to build the Kingdom of God. This is all orchestrated through intentional connections through their children's schools, the creation of the Kraków chapter of "Serve the City", being very intentional to love people as human first, and to share the walk with God together. (For more information on "Serve the City", see the link below.) The ministry uses the name "REACH Polska" which speaks to their vision: Our heart and vision is to grow passionate Polish followers of Jesus who know they are RELEASED into a reproducing ministry and EQUIPPED to do the work of the Church. Followers who are AFFECTING their communities by relationally CONNECTING through a full worship experience who love and serve both God and people. Followers who HONOR the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Son, and each other.
If you want to keep up with what’s going on with the Mielonen’s in Poland, check out the links below:
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The Mielonen’s blog:
Serve the City:
REACH Polska Facebook page:
REACH Polska Twitter account:
Follow Travis and Alexis on Instagram and @aemielonen